BIG :: A FEARLESS® Painting Adventure


BIG was first launched as an online FEARLESS® Painting sensation in 2009 and ran for three successful years serving thousands of women worldwide.  Shortly after the last live session it became a self guided online course, which is no longer for sale.

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Group photo of FEARLESS Painters by Timothy Schildknecht.

What FEARLESS® Painters Say About BIG…

When I signed up to do BIG I thought I would learn to paint large. I thought I would push myself to get bigger..on paper. I think about that now and all of the worries I had…where will I do it? How much paint am I going to need? Where am I going to put these when I am done?  All of these worries had their place in time, but they seem so silly now. These turned into “what are you saying painting?” “what do you need?””what do you want me to do?” and “boy oh boy am I a crank if I don’t paint!”

It turned into a daily connection with my creative spirit…. challenging myself to just get in there and DO it…to keep my commitment to my process. During this time I have been taking a few other classes…but have not fully committed to any other…BIG has been my focus because it has truly been the MOST important.

~Stephanie from

FEARLESS® painting taught me to be brave. To take steps for myself. To stand for my truth. During the workshop, I accomplished a lot of things I never dared to do before, such as filming me creating and sharing it with the entire world on YouTube ; or selling my art ; or even the simple fact of attending a workshop in real life with an artist I admire.

~Nolwenn from

Finding Connie, BIG and The Tribe has created a tidal shift in that kind of thinking. I’ve started letting go of boundaries that suggest my art must meet some standard set by somebody else and I’m learning instead to create things that please ME. I’m learning to play and experiment and forget about “wasting” materials or making a mess. I’m learning that art is a way of exploring what’s going on in my head and my heart and getting those thoughts out into the open as a way of releasing the “junky-junk”.

~Kelley from

Connie has a way of taking those simplest of things, like painting shapes and colors, and making them not only easy but profound as well. Her seemingly boundless energy, passion, and enthusiasm get you so fired up for even the easiest-sounding exercise that you can’t wait to get started! Pretty soon, you’re painting! YOU ARE PAINTING! And painting fearlessly! It’s nothing short of a miracle for me, and I find myself laughing almost every time I pick up a brush because I wonder what in the world I was so afraid of.

~Paula from

I was able to stretch way out of my comfort zone and paint on really BIG pieces of paper (thank you very much Ms. Connie). And by doing that I was gifted with a new way of seeing me. I was given permission to create on a bigger canvas, to create an even bigger life. I learned to embrace a different perspective and a new lens through which to view myself. And even better, a chance to actually redefine what it means to be FEARLESS®.

~Indigo from

FEARLESS® Painting is so much more than learning how or what to paint, painting big or small, or even painting at all. It is a doorway into a way of living that embraces play, exploration, deep contemplation, and moving with and through obstacles.  Being able to be fearless on the page – painting something even when it seems “wrong”, dancing with the gremlins instead of running away – translates into fascinating thoughts even when the paints are put away.

~Lisa from

Honestly, I’ve taken so many workshops this past year since I started art’ing, and BIG has been the only one I’ve stuck with until the end and I’ve gotten so much out of it, personally. It’s made me look at who I am, as a person, as an artist .. not just the finished product and I’m so glad you’re continuing the series!!

~Deina from

FEARLESS® painting is like a big mirror where I was able to get a glimpse of the real person standing on the other side. I was introduced the beauty, the vulnerability, the ugliness, the fear, the love, the joy, the wounded child, and the powerful, kick ass warrior. It has put me in touch with all of these sacred parts and allowed me to celebrate being this deep and intricate being.  By putting paintbrush to paper I was able to connect with my inner voice, to burn through old wounds, and to express my emotions in a safe way. It’s taught me to trust myself and to trust the Universe and it’s allowed me the joy and freedom to express my creativity.

~Michelle from

Connie is totally committed to this thing, and her vision and enthusiasm are what makes it work, what makes it different.  The supportive and tight-knit community formed of all kinds of women from all over the world is the other half of what makes this work. The love and support exuded by this Tribe are crucial to our success. The bond that these woman form is just amazing! I felt completely free to say anything, to paint anything and share it with our Tribe, knowing that no one would judge or condemn me, and that there would be only loving discussion.  Many of us, weeks now after our session has ended, still consider each other true friends. We still lend our love and support to each other.

~Jennifer from

During “BIG”, Connie explained her fearless and intuitive painting approach, a concept new to me. I came to understand that she was speaking of more than painting.  This was a lifestyle, a mind set. It touched me deeply and I wanted more of it. I’d found home. Paintings began pouring out of me. They came quickly and without thought of a “finished product”.  I could do this for no other reason than the joy and depth it brought to my life. Freedom!

~Tracie from

Connie has an uncanny, almost spooky knack for getting in my head. She has a way of gazing intently through the video camera, knowing exactly the right moment to point her finger and say:“Yes, this means YOU.” She’ll do it gently and with love, at * just * the moment when I am about to wriggle out of trying something new or scary or hard or challenging.

~Barbara from

You can learn more about DEEP HERE.

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