Where to Find Inspiration

Here’s a new thing I tried out today: ACEO’s. Above are four of my new babies. Pretty fun stuff. They are each 3.5″ x 2.5″, acrylic paint, with cool texture and a high gloss finish. They are all inspired by landscapes. I’ve had landscapes on the mind all day. I spent my morning cruising etsy, and really looking at other artist’s landscapes. I’ve found some real goodies that I’ll share in my next post. But these landscapes even have a different twist to my inspiration. A few days ago I was going through this bag of old calenders somebody at school gave me. There was a cool calender of Japanese prints. I went through each piece with a little view finder and cut out small chunks, that I thought would be a good inspiration for paintings later. There was something about the muted colors, shapes, patterns, and compositions that I liked.

Can you guess which one goes with what ACEO? Like I said, these aren’t the entire painting they are actually 2.5″ x 1.75″ pieces from the original. I think I’ll save them for my next journal entry. Inspiration is everywhere…and if you still can’t find it…look to other artists’ work…it’s been done since day one.
On a personal note, I took a break from painting today and went with Hansel on a hunt for shoes before he started work. I ran into a sweet friend from Yoga. Ever since I sat behind her almost a year ago in class, there was something that drew me to her spirit. But funny thing, she asked me if things were all right–that I seemed like I was in a funk. Funny, I didn’t really feel like I was in a funk. But after she mentioned it, the first thing that’s been sitting at the threshold of my mind is how I jumped out of work and into my studio. I LOVE IT! I can not express that anymore better then full caps bold! But, the thing that I know might happen is I’ll get lost in my work, my painting, my obsession with creativity and art, and neglect relationships. I’m satisfied hanging with Hansel, chilling with my pets, and going to yoga class. I love the little relationships I’m finding actually right here through my blog. But what happens is I fall deep into my work that I don’t hang out with friends. When I’m not painting, I’d rather just cook, take a walk, or read. I’ve already lost a couple friends because of my anti-social creative behavior. But then, I do still have friends. And there are people that I do choose to invest my time in, when I do break away. Maybe things are different now, I can pick and choose what I do with my time, instead of always giving it away free, like I did when I was younger.

Yeah, I’m going with that. I’m giving it to those that inspire, as well as delight my soul!

Peace & Love.
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