Living the Creative Life

The last couple days have been jammed back full of creativity and love. Hansel had off of work for both his birthday, and yesterday. We spent the entire days together having a wonderful time staying home creating in the studio!

Hansel is an awesome Artist. He has a fantastic eye for black and white photography, he makes super cool jewelry out of wire and beads, and he has made sculptural pieces around our home out of natural materials we find on hikes. The thing that intimidates Hansel though is painting and drawing. But why I love this man so much, is his ability to face his fears and give it a try. Below are two of Hansel’s pieces he created the last couple days.

This is the first piece Hansel made this week. Look at those super rich colors–you would never believe that it is actually watercolor!!! Pretty cool. Not bad for his first attempt using watercolors!!!

Hansel felt much more excited and at ease using colored pencils and the one thing that inspires him incredibly: sculls. Yep—this boy loves sculls. He has a million shirts, drawings, and things with sculls!! He especially digs the sculls the awesome Artist Corrine of Jafabrit’s Art Blog has been posting lately. I have to admit, I think this is a pretty cool drawing. We’re thinking about turning it into a transfer and making shirts!! Fun stuff!
This morning I was so surprised and honor to receive my Brillante Blog Award that I didn’t have the time to post yet another late night watercolor!!!! I think it is seriously turning into an addiction! Dinner’s finished, dishes done, take a shower, sit on the couch, and any normal person would kick their feet up and rest….no no no….I pull out the watercolors and keep on going!!! Here’s my piece from last night…I’m diggin it:

And last….the greatest joy came today when I received my sweet, sweet drawing in the mail from Carly. I want to thank you so much for your drawing!! I love it. I am going to frame this baby and hang it up in my bedroom!! Peace & Love.

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