Love Animals. Don’t Eat Them.
Published on July 2, 2008
My dear friend Erica at Blu Jay Studio blog just finished a beautiful painting called Love Animals. Don’t Eat Them. To accompany her awesome painting she created a video to document the process–don’t you love when artists do that!!! Please take a lookie: (Don’t forget to turn my music off before viewing!)
I feel this is one of Erica’s best pieces. I, myself, have been a vegetarian for fifteen years, and believe people should become more aware of the food they put into their bodies. I believe there are as many reasons for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle as there are vegetarians. Erica presents us with one of those reasons, and her painting does it in such a fashion that she chooses to honor the life and spirit of farm animals rather than focus on the atrocities of the farming business. (Positive thinking and the Law of Attraction at play here, if you ask me!) I applaud Erica on her beautiful painting and love her incredibly for her dedication and passion to make people aware of this heartbreaking issue.
Peace & Love.
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