Pay It Forward!
Published on August 23, 2008
Do you remember that sweet but oh-so- sad movie years ago called Pay it Forward, where the little boy that “sees dead people” had this great idea for a class project to pay it forward? It also starred Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey. Every now-and-then they play it on TBS and if I catch it, I still cry terribly at the end. Well this Pay It Forward will not lead anyone to tears! Instead the first three people to comment on this post (and email me their snail mail address) will receive a small little token from me in the mail…in other words a little piece of Art and loving!! What’s the catch? You have to make the same pledge on your blog and send a little snail mail loving to three people also. Fun stuff–huh?!?!?!
Remember in this great big beautiful world…every little bit of happiness counts! Let’s Pay it Forward!!!
Peace & Love.
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