What Grows Beneath
Published on September 1, 2008
This has been a great weekend so far. Feels good not to have to go to work tomorrow!! Can I hear a big Hot Damn!?!?!! The weather here in Phoenix has finally broke a bit, and every night there has been monsoon storms–which I absolutely adore. Imagine a sky full of lightening everywhere you look…and the rain…and the incredible rumble of thunder! I love it!!!
Plus, the best part is that I have gone to Yoga the entire weekend, and all of a sudden my body is starting to feel more itself. Even better then it’s old self. I’m really sticking to the strength building exercises my chiropractor prescribed, and I think it’s making a huge difference.
Yesterday I spent the entire day cleaning. Normally this is not an all day affair, but I had music playing that constantly called for an impromptu dance recital in the living room area! So I would do the dishes–dance, dust a little–dance, throw a load into the laundry–dance. Get the picture?
But, I think most of my energy this weekend stems from friendship. I have a dear friend named Johanna. We met through Yoga, and felt connected to each other immediately. We always sit our mats next to each other, and the energy that radiates from our corner of the studio is electric. Johanna….what can I say….she is intelligent–a scientist to be exact….terribly crafty—you should see the beauties this chica knits….gorgeous—definitely a hottie….and one of the most soulful individuals I’ve ever met. Her hugs and laughter are contagious–everyone at our Yoga studio flocks around her. She is what you call a delight to know. And I feel lucky that the universe brought us together. Friday night, after restorative Yoga, Johanna and I stood in the evening parking lot, with lightening striking all around us, caught up in a conversation that still feels on some levels of my existence is still going on. It has been quite awhile that I’ve met another soul (in person…I’ve met some super incredible souls in blog world) that I feel so connected too. It’s been awhile to have one of those girlfriend conversations that leaves you feeling energized and inspired. That’s Johanna and I. I’m so grateful for our friendship.
Plus, if things couldn’t get better..they did! Johanna is in the process of ridding herself of all her worldly possessions–well most of them, and starting anew. She’s building a new beautiful home, and preparing to fill it with the authentic truth of her self. In the process, she is selling and giving away her belongings. On Friday night, she opened her car trunk to show me all her art and craft supplies she so generously has gifted to me!!!! It feels like Christmas! Seriously–I hit the jackpot!!! Acrylic paints, oil paints, sumi paints, tons of brushes, printmaking inks, printmaking blocks, brayers, ink palettes, canvases, and it goes on and on!!! Somehow having all this new art stuff has made me feel all creative and artsy-happy again!!!
Today Hansel and I spent the entire day in the studio. He is working on a commission he received to design a tattoo for someone (he is so excited!!) and I just played! I took eight pieces of watercolor paper along with my watercolors, put on my “Jack Johnson” station on Pandora.com, sat myself down on the floor, and let the paint and my instinct do its thing! Here is one of the pieces I finished. I like to call it: What Grows Beneath.

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