Work In Progress

Lately I have been deeply inspired by three incredible Artists: Jen over at Jennyfur’s Sketchbook and Oddities, Renee at Painted Sky Woman, and Erica at Blu Jay Studio. All three ladies handle the female figure in different fashions and mediums…but I adore each of their paintings all the same.

It’s been a long time since I attempted the figure in my own work. Ok, this summer I played around with some cartoon-like little girls…but that doesn’t count. I’ve had these ideas of combinding women, trees, stages of the moon, and seasons all into a series. Today I finally started.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

Here is my drawing done on canvas.

Then I underpainted with watercolors.

Now I’m carefully applying acrylic paint. Her hair is made up of Autumn leaves and I want them to be juicy.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies!!! You chicas rock!

Peace & Love.

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