So Grateful
Published on October 9, 2008
So lately I’ve been busy painting. Here are two of my ladies that I think are finished. They are acrylic on canvas–with a beautiful varnish (16″ x 20″). This is a terrible photo I just took in my studio…so please excuse the quality. I simply am excited about it…and wanted to share what I’ve been working on lately!!!
I’d like to give a great, big, huge thank you to Yogadiva of the blog: Yogadiva’s Divine Life. First, Yogadiva has such a great blog. I’m so disappointed that I didn’t know about it earlier…but now I look forward to making it a usual visit!! Plus, I am totally honored to be listed in the ranks for this award with such awesome chicas as Jennifer from Pink Heels and Kimberly from Hip Tranquil Chick. Both these ladies are Blog Goddesses to me…I read their blogs regularly…and seriously…they’re my blog idols!!! Thank you Yogadiva for such a HUGE compliment!! Lots of love to you!!
Well, one thing I love to do is brag about other Artists and lovely bloggers that I encounter here in blog land. I would like to pass this award on to a few bloggers I’ve just recently found and am falling in love with!!!
These three images are just a few amazing journal entries you can find posted by the Artist Karin on her blog Beyond Words. Amazing. Incredible. Spiritual. Beautiful. I become enchanted every time I visit!!!
These three images above are from Peachy Cheek. She also has an Etsy shop you can find HERE. Her work is so fun and playful and full of skulls and Frida flavor!!! You have to grin every time you visit!!!
Last, I know I have mentioned her a few times in Dirty Footprints…but c’mon…look at those paintings…the colors are so juicy and delicious you just want to kiss them!!! I go to Jen’s blog everyday anticipating and excited to see what’s next out of her creative mind!!! I love each painting she does….Beautiful!! So please check out Jennifer at Jennyfur’s Sketchbook & Oddities and her Etsy shop HERE. You will never be disappointed!!!
I am so grateful to all the wonderful, creative, soulful women I have met through Dirty Footprints…I am grateful you are all in my life.
Peace & Love.
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