A Little Yoga Secret To Staying Healthy This Season
Published on November 13, 2008
Legs Up the Wall is one of the greatest Yoga secrets there is!! I swear by it!! Even if you have zero experience with Yoga, think it’s some strange religion or cult (gasp), or think its only for gaining flexibility—-you need to be doing this posture!!
Well, first, let me tell you that I do this posture EVERY night before I go to bed for at least 15 minutes…sometimes up to 30 minutes. It seems a little strange..but it is extremely relaxing. When Hansel can’t fall asleep I insist he do this posture and it always works like a charm!!! But furthermore, recently Hansel was really sick. So sick, that he had to go to the doctors–and found out he had ear, sinus, and throat infections pretty bad. I got sick too–but a minor cold for only a couple days…and I swear, my defense against this virus had to do with my dedication to Legs Up the Wall. I did it every night and every morning for at least 20 minutes while Hansel was sick, and I feel it kept my immune system top notch!!
6. Keep your arms out to the side or at a slight angle like I did above. Do not put them over your head, because that causes your blood pressure to rise. This posture is all about relaxation.
Not only that, but it’s also one of the most relaxing yoga postures there is—and all you need is a wall to take advantage of its healing benefits.”
This is the time of year when people start getting sick…and a little prevention can go a long way!! What’s a few minutes…and everyone has walls!! Try it for a week…you’ll notice the difference.
(The painting above my feet is by Erica from BluJayStudio—you can buy a print of that same, beautiful painting HERE).
Peace & Love.
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