
“Confusion, tension, and depression all contain energy that can be used for us as well as against us.  When we can calmly face our difficulties without trying to escape, without trying to manipulate or suppress our feelings, it is possible to see something that we have never seen before.  We may realize very clearly that we simply do not want this pain any longer.  We can then discover in ourselves the motivation to change the habits that lead us into difficulties.  

We can use the energy of our emotions to skillfully cope with our problems, to rediscover the clear interplay of mind and senses that allows our energy to flow in more positive directions.  Our emotions are really only energy; they become painful when we grow attached to them, and identify them as being negative.  We can transform this energy into positive feelings, for ultimately, it is we ourselves who determine these reactions.  The choice is up to us: we can dwell on negative emotions, or we can take their energy and use it to encourage a healthier response to our problems.”

from the book Yoga Gems: A Treasury of Practical and Spiritual Wisdom from Ancient and Modern Masters

(everyone should have that book sitting on their night stand!)

Peace & Love.
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