Published on March 6, 2009
Oh Chicas, I’m exhausted.
Seriously. Exhausted.
I’ve hit quite a rough patch, it feels, in life.
And the first person I take things out on, the first person
that gets neglected and mistreated…
Is me.
That makes me sad.
But with the love of a fine man that I’m blessed with,
and the out reaching hearts of good friends–
I’ve realized that all this too will past…
This past week at school has been spirit week.
This Monday starts our much needed Spring Break.
But the kids have been bonkers…and not in a good way.
Each day there’s a huge list of suspensions and detentions…and
kids have been acting out violently.
I think it’s all a reflection of what the atmosphere there has become.
But that doesn’t mean I have to join in–right?!?!
So this week, while my kiddos were working on their projects,
I picked up my own watercolors and paintbrush–and grabbed a few
lovely watercolor pencils too.
In the sea of negativity and stress, I sit and paint.
Just paint. No intentions or thoughts of what should be.
Just letting the force of creativity flow through me.
Possibly breaking up all those barricades and stress riots forming in my body!
The two paintings above are what manifests,
when one opens their heart to the creative possibilities within.
When you permit the creative process to
navigate you back to your center.
And when I’m back resting in my center–it’s easier to see the beauty that exists around me.
It’s easier to find the order in my mind–and in the Universe.
It’s easier to appreciate the different hues and colors of life.
And it’s easier to be grateful for the little things.
Peace & Love.
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