Absolute Juiciness!
Published on July 22, 2009
I apologize about the poor lighting…but damn, I was so excited to show you what I got in the mail Tuesday night!!
Back in February I was so excited to take part in my first Paint & Pass with the fabulous Corrine of JafaBrit’s Art and Jennifer of Gallery Girl!! Around the same time I even spent a fun Sunday morning chatting with them HERE!! For those of you uncertain what a Paint & Pass is all about–each Artist starts a painting and then passes it to the next via snail mail! Eventually you get your painting back in all it’s juicy glory!! I received my painting tonight–what a perfect surprise! If you are curious to see what the painting started off as, please visit HERE.
Thank you chicas for the Art collaboration!! This painting has extra sentiment to me because both Corrine and Jennifer live in Ohio–my home state, where I was born and lived till I was 30. When I sent this painting off to them, I felt like a part of me was going back home…and now, here she is again, all pretty and complete!!
Creative Juicy Life Lesson: Friendship is important. It makes life more beautiful. Some friends are a direct link to your past, some are here to share your present, others will take you into a juicy future, and some are perfect for sharing the Artist journey with!
Peace & Love.
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