Into the Mundane


Drawing #2. Wooden Spoons & Fork

Here is drawing #2 of my self-imposed drawing challenge!! Part of my challenge is to draw all from life–and to choose random objects from around our home. Yesterday’s Buddha drawing, as simple as the form is, was more fun to draw…possibly because I have an affection for Buddha. But how do you find inspiration in something as mundane as wooden spoons?

Throw in a wooden fork?!!

What I found begins to happen when you draw is that the objects lose their identity and they start to take on a beautiful dance of tonal value. I found myself in awe of how a tiny sliver of light sits on the very edge of each utensil. I fell in love with the shapes that form in the negative space between the objects.

I looked past the mundane, and found a new Universe that exists purely in the act of being mindful.

Imagine what life could start to be like…if we began to treat everything as a drawing!

Peace & Love.

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