Fake It Until You Make It!
Published on September 15, 2009
Another photo I treated like a painting!
Truth is…I’m having so much fun playing with the color on my photos—treating them more like paintings (as seen HERE). Shhh…..don’t tell anyone, but it’s becoming a tad bit of a distraction from all the paperwork I need to catch up on for work.
Oh…the curse and beauty of creativity!!! It’s always at your access!
Also, I want to add something mucho important…that is–all my photo fun happens without any fancy Photoshop software!! I just use the color adjustment, contrast, and saturation on the photo edit that comes along with my photo application. Don’t wait for any fancy this or that to start MAKING ART–jump in and play with the tools you already have! Like my favorite Yogi: Baron Baptiste always says “Fake it until you make it….and you’ll make it!”
That goes the same for crow pose in Yoga as it does in being a confidant Artist! Fake it until you make it!!!
Peace & Love.
For some more photo fun check out my guest blog post over on ARTCETERA today–
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