Published on October 30, 2009
I am a total morning person.
I love the smell of morning.
I love the way it feels, how it sounds, the beautiful way light crawls across the earth.
This photo was taken during morning,
as I sat on my patio, bundled in a blanket, sipping a smoothie.
Autumn is different in the desert. But it is still present just the same.
The air becomes crisper, the sun drips in sienna, burnt umber, and deep hues of amber.
I leave for work in a jacket, scarf, and gloves.
And during the day I dream of making hearty, delicious soups.
Autumn is all about change, about letting go, of going deeper within in.
Morning is about ritual, ceremony, and renewing vows to yourself.
I find myself in a sacred space, reaching softly for the sun, as she is waning from my touch.
Autumn mornings can be like that…so can the longings of our hearts.
It’s ok not to be the person you were yesterday.
It’s ok, to not believe the things you once held true.
Be kind to yourself when you discover the leaves of your heart are changing.
Listen closely to what the winds of winter soon will be saying to you.
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