How I Define Art
Published on November 30, 2009
It is officially the last day of Art Every Day Month. Am I the only one that feels like this month just flew by? Seriously. I’m shocked that tomorrow is already December!!!!
But first, I would like to give a huge standing ovation to Leah for all the hard work she did in hosting this awesome blog challenge. The poor soul had lots happening this month, but she still found the time and energy to commit to an art every day practice ANNNND keep the posts going on her blog to support all of us participants. Thank you Leah—you rock big time!
But now that it’s only hours from being over, what did I get from it? What will I be taking away?
Well, for one thing, even though I didn’t make a whole lot of art—art is a constant in my life EVERY single day. Being an art teacher, writing this blog, and just the way I approach life–I feel is a big part of my art practice.
During this Art Every Day Month period I came to a realization that art doesn’t have to always be on a canvas, or sit in a gallery, or have a price tag attached to it. Art can have many intentions and purposes in this world…and don’t let anyone tell you different.
Ok, to be really honest, this is sometimes a hard pill for me to swallow. Sure, I can blurt it out and say this stuff to YOU Lovelies….but fully believing it…sometimes I struggle with that.
I could blame it on my art training. I could tell you all that money I borrowed in school loans went to building this insecurity, into creating a sort of elitism in my mind, into thinking only one way is the right way. Sure, I could use those excuses. I paid for them, didn’t I?
But if I REALLY buy into that, all I do is keep myself from creating what my heart wishes to express. I keep myself from feeling that freedom and release that comes with picking up a paint brush. I keep myself from being true and honest and in the moment. I keep myself from the biggest part of me. I keep from simply being Creative Juicy.
So, do you really want to know what I learned from this challenge?
I learned that my art–how I define what art is to ME–has changed over the last year, evolved, turned into something I never expected. Such as:
I love my art journal. Like really love it…hence Art Journal LOVE!
I love my students and teaching and making fun artsy, imaginative, crafty stuff with them!
I love blogging and think of it as a major part of my art practice.
I love playing with video and incorporating it into my art journal experience.
I love that my art is a practice and not a profession or even a vocation!
I love appreciating art–and encouraging others to create and define what art is to them.
I love that my life–my CREATIVE JUICY LIFE is art as well.
I love that what I make is fully for me and I can share it if I want, but I don’t have to.
What does Art look like for you? How do you define it for yourself? For your Creative Juicy Life? Please share….I would love to know!
Peace & Love.
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