Time of Gratitude

My blog, Dirty Footprints Studio, is a complete labor of LOVE. So when a fellow blogger acknowledges and honors my work with a blog award it deeply touches my heart. This week I had the honor to receive two blog awards and one nomination, and I am truly grateful.

I would like to thank Alex, who is a very Creative Juicy homeschool’n Mama who writes two very lovely blogs: Serendipity and My Create Corner for passing this award on to me. She is also an Art Every Day Month co-hort and I’m loving every thing she’s doing!!!

Now, these awards always have a catch…..this one requires me to share seven things you may not know about myself. Ok….here I go…..

1. I have been terribly, horribly sick all week.
2. My middle name is Pauline.
3. My toe nails are painted a deep burgundy.
4. I love getting pedicures!
5. My bathroom is a mess.
6. Last night I had a dream that I took a train to get my hair cut, and when I got to the salon it was filled with my seventh grade class that I teach art–and they were all trying on jeans. Yeah–what the?!?!

For this next award I would like to thank Paula- Buenos Aires from the super cool blog Happysnappy In the Jungle—-a chica after my own heart!!! Muah! Paula is totally rock’n the Art Every Day Month challenge also–ANNND–she’s an Art Journaler as well! For this award I have to give one word(ish) responses to the following….

1. Where is your cellphone? charging
2. Your hair? messy
3. Your mother? far
4. Your father? memory
5. Your favorite food? avocados
6. Your dream last night? bizarre
7. Your dream/goal? COSTA RICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Your favorite drink? smoothies
9. What room are you in? studio
10. Your hobby? reading
11. Your fear? snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Costa Rica
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. Something that you aren´t? male
15. Muffins? scones!
16. Wishlist item? Flip
17. Where did you grow up? Ohio
18. Last thing you did? type
19. What are you wearing? pajamas
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? lounging
22. Friends? awesome
23. Your life? Creative Juicy
24. Your mood? calm
25. Missing someone? Andrea
26. Vehicle? clean
27. Something you´re not wearing? socks
28. Your favorite store? none
29. Your favorite color? purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? Hansel
33. One place you go to over and over? school
34. Facebook? Twitter!
35. Favorite place to eat? home
The 2009 Weblog Awards
Last, I would like to thank the poet …Paige from the blogs 365 Views by Me and Paradise Valley 2…Hell’s Mountain for nominating Dirty Footprints Studio for the best Video Blog Award over at the 2009 Weblog Awards! This is so Creative Juicy exciting!!!! Thank you.
Luckily I don’t have to do anything for this one…except wait and see what the judges decide! Ha!
Last, I know this is the time I am suppose to pass these wonderful awards on to other fabulous bloggys…..but, I hate to single out just a few….so instead I would like to take this opportunity to point out the link on my navbar above that says “cool chicas“…if you brush your cursor over it, you will get juicy creatives, soulful yogis, and past interviews. There is where I keep a list of very inspiring bloggys and each of those Lovelies are deserving of these awards and a trip to Hawaii. Unfortunately I can not provide the latter.
Thank you so much to EVERYONE for supporting Dirty Footprints Studio and for help making my Creative Juicy Life so much fun!!!
Peace & Love.
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