Importance of Rest
Published on January 30, 2010
I am definitely back in the saddle again. Or, as one of my Twitter friends put it: “back in the sandal!!” Get it!?! Dirty Footprints….sandal….hee hee!!
I have been up at the crack of dawn (sort of) and moving and shaking in the studio!!!
How could I have stayed away for so long? What happens–why are there these periods when we dip into darkness for awhile? I know now that I’m not the only one…because many Lovelies have shared with me their own understanding and compassion–saying that they’ve been there before.
But damn. THIS life feels a million times better. THIS life is totally Creative Juicy. THIS life is what makes me want to keep on going, going, going!!!
Maybe that’s it.
Maybe the going, going, going makes you gone after awhile.
In Yoga, taking a break and the stillness between the poses is part of the poses. Those very wise and accomplished Yogis that have spent a life time engulfed in this practice HAVE because they understand the importance and vitality of a well absorbed break.
I still haven’t gotten that yet. No matter how many times I attempt to out wit myself–out fool myself that I can do EVERYTHING–my body and my mind short circuit and I’m back wandering in the dark hall of doom for awhile.
Well, I can see the sunshine and blue skies of Arizona again. I can stretch my arms out like wings and feel my heart pulsate like a drum. I can breathe deeply and enjoy my lungs as they expand into rainbow colored balloons of joy.
Once again, I can start in the way I want to continue…and continue…reminding myself how important it is to set periods of rest into all these BIG goals and SWEET dreams I have brewing in this crazy Creative Juicy Life of mine!
(Now go take a break!)
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