Much Into the Creative Juicy Life

Is it just me, or is time seriously flying by?
I base time on rotations, quarters, semesters, and first and second bells! That’s right…school time. It seems like only yesterday it was August and I was stating HERE that this would be my last year teaching in this kind of setting and that I would spend this year defining what my Creative Juicy Life looks, feels like, and means to me.
Well, as much as I feel like it was just yesterday, when I read that post–it feels like lifetimes ago. My life has turned, twisted, and done the splits a few times in these last months. But the one thing I can state with certainty is that I am definitely coming into my own. MY OWN CREATIVE JUICY LIFE.
Mine. All mine.
My Creative Juicy Life written from my heart, constructed from my own intuition, and built completely on my own dreams.
But, as I move forward, it’s important to stop and reflect. Keeping a blog makes that easy. On that day in August I declared that I was beginning a journey into a Creative Juicy Life…and here are the six things I mapped out that were essential to begin the journey:
1. Having a clear vision of what a Creative Juicy Life looks and feels like.
2. Creating and implementing a self care plan.
3. Making bold moves everyday.
4. Safeguarding your creativity.
5. Being part of a Creative Juicy community.
6. Affirmations, celebrations, and reflections.
This past week, the LOVELIES and I, in my online workshop Art Journal LOVE Letters have been exploring foundations–in both our Art Journals and our Creative Juicy Life. I had to go back to this first post…and see what my former self said about starting the Creative Juicy Life. I wanted to remind myself what my intentions were for this year. I wanted to visit my foundation.
Now that I have, in a sense, I feel the need to stay here for a little while–bask in the glow of those early moments–and nibble off the wisdom of my early intentions and beliefs. So for the next six days, I’m going to discuss how those six factors are playing into my Creative Juicy Life NOW. Are they still in place? Have I tweaked them, enhanced them, or even kicked them to the curve? Are there any other factos I can add–or which ones do not serve me anymore?
These are the things I ponder. This is the Creative Juicy Life I live.
(PS–Registration is still open for you to jump into all the fun over at Art Journal LOVE Letters!! Go HERE for more info and to register!! I look forward to sharing the LOVE with you!)
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