What’s Happening in Studio 307

So what’s been cookin’ in Studio 307 (what I affectionately call my classroom where I teach full time K-8 Art)??!?!!

The last few weeks, call me crazy, I’ve been creating plaster masks with my fourth and fifth graders. Crazy…because it’s quite a lot to handle with 32 students in a 40 minute class.

But they LOVE it–and when all is said and done, they create some very adorable work!!

Our theme for our masks is nature. We all start off by making the same base formed from a plastic mold of a face, and then we learn how to attach things with plaster by using found objects, newspaper, and cardboard. The little Artist who created the elephant above made the trunk by taping dried out markers together and plastering over them!!

Recycling is huge for me in my classroom!! And I love to see the brilliant, creative ways students come up with answers to recycle and create Art. We as adults could learn a little something from their ingenuity!

Last, I have to admit, I’ve become quite inspired by watching them work that I’m planning on creating my own plaster masks soon as well!! Loads of fun! You’ll have to join me.
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