That’s What Friends Are For!

One of the great pleasures of last week’s trip to Oakland, California was meeting my friend Jennifer Lee of the blog Life Unfolds. Even though the photo above is a little on the cheesey side…I still LOVE how cute Jenn looks–and I like how our bangs look like they’re kissing!!
Hee hee!
But here’s the truth.
I have known Jenn personally for almost two years now. She is an amazing, strong, independent powerhouse of a woman. She has an incredible business, is always moving and shaking things up in San Fran, is extremely talented, smart, and compassionate and has been a busy bumblebee lately working on writing her book that will be published soon. She knows what she wants and goes and gets it.
I LOVE that about her.
But the truth is……when I was waiting for her to pick me up and take us out for a bite to eat….I told Chris Zydel that I was a bit nervous to meet Jenn in person. I was a bit anxious—because—well, this is Jennifer Lee—a powerhouse of a chica!
Chris, in her sweetest of ways, whispered to me that I was a powerhouse too.
But that still didn’t ease my nerves. It wasn’t until she walked in the door and we gave each other a big hug, that I realized that this person is just Jennifer–the girl that I LOVE and adore, who has taught me many things, has challenged and support me for quite awhile, and makes me laugh hysterically!
Though, all week I’ve been sitting with this. Why was I so nervous to meet my friend?
Then it occurred to me….that it wasn’t Jennifer that I was anxious about…I knew she’d be the sweetie I know and LOVE….
I think deep down, it’s that notion of a powerhouse–a strong, independent, go-getter of a force INSIDE MY OWN SELF that gets me nervous and a bit scared.
The people in our lives are here to teach us facets and inklings about our self…Right?!?! And the idea that made me feel intimidated by my own friend Jenn, is the exact thing that intimidates me about myself.
Now that I realize this…..well, that’s a whole other post….coming soon.
For now, thank you Jenn. Thank you for being your amazing self. And thank you for being an oracle that made me realize my deepest potential sits in the lap of the things that I fear the most.
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