A Time To Say Good Bye
Published on April 26, 2010
Morning Painting, Acrylic on Paper, 24″ x 17.5″
If you are a friend of Dirty Footprints Studio on Facebook, then you got to see the various stages this painting went through last week. Check it out HERE and share the LOVE!
Eighteen more days of school left until the ol’ summer vacation kicks in!! The thing is, I’m so overwhelmed by the million things I need to do before then, that I can’t let myself even get excited yet. This week I plan to really burn some rubber and get serious about tying up lose ends. That’s it. That’s a big part of what I have to do. Get things ready in my room for the next Art Teacher to take over…and gather my things to take with me….and purge all that stuff that sits around taking up space….and paperwork…lots and lots of paperwork.
And……say good bye.
I really feel like I’m saying good bye to a lot of things.
Saying good bye to my kiddos, a room I got comfy in, my peers that I grew fond of, a routine I got used to, a salary I depended on, and a way of going through my day I got good at. I’m purposely saying good bye to it all because I believe this is what I need to do to fulfill the truth of who I really am.
I’m creating space that I plan to fill with things that purely make me happy. That feel good. That fit what my heart believes is right. That reaches out to others and helps their creativity blossom–that helps the world bloom deeper into LOVE and light. I plan to fill the space with work that nourishes me as well as others–and more time for just being.
Simply being.
Like I told you before, I’m done with making a living…I’ve moved on to making a Life.
I’m going to apologize now for not being around so much in the next couple weeks–gotta lot to do–and a chica’s gotta do what a chica’s gotta do!! But–I will be chatting on Facebook HERE, tweetin’ occasionally HERE, and of course hangin’ with my Lovelies over on Art Journal LOVE Letters–you should join the fun by going HERE!!
Big hugs!! Thanks for understanding!
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