And Then We Jump
Published on May 17, 2010
Here’s a video I made of some of the cool things Artists are doing in Phoenix–where I live!
I hope it will inspire you to at least turn the computer off and get creative
–or go check out the Art in your neighborhood!
Yesterday the big plan was to keep the computer off and make Art…along with soak in a little sunshine, spend some time on the patio with a good book, and squeeze a few extra moments out on my Yoga mat.
Instead…..I forgot about two major deadlines I had to meet by today that required my monitor on. Yes…..seriously…I forgot. School has turned my mind to mush and things that I’m usually on top of (like the checkbook, the laundry, and my deadlines) seem to get all scrambled with the million and a half things I need to do to finish up the school year….not to mention….finish my last days at this school… this position…..this job.
(Just so you know…Friday is my last day.)
But isn’t this how dreams go? Isn’t this how life moves us?
We dream, we plan, we build, we face obstacles and challenges, we try our best to prepare. Then we jump.
Then all that comes next is another day. Another day to dream, to plan, to build, to face obstacles and challenges, to try our best and to prepare for the next big jump.
I’m already living the dream, you see. I’ve been living it all along.
Just at different levels of Truth–different levels of understanding of who I am in this dream.
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