Art Sound YOU

(awwww….feels good to be back to making videos after a little hiatus!!)

Have you heard about the cool retreat Art Sound YOU?

Chris Zydel from Creative Juices Arts and Fabeku Fatunmise from Sankofa Song are hosting an intuitive painting, sacred drumming, healing sound retreat this August 15-19 in Portland, Oregon. We’re talking a whole five days full of Paint–Creativity–Paint–Bliss–Paint–and Healing Vibes!!!
The coolest thing too is that my dear friends are offering the friends and fans of Dirty Footprints Studio $150 off of registration!!! All you need to do is email Chris Zydel at ChrisZydel(at)CreativeJuicesArts(dot)com and tell her that YOU ♥ Dirty Footprints Studio!!! And if that isn’t cool enough—all through the month of May they are also offering an early bird special of $100! That’s a $250 savings!! Wahoo!!
Be sure to check it out and pass it on!!!

Click on the button above for more info!
PS Belly LOVE will be here tomorrow!
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