30 Journals 30 Days: LISA WILSON


How long have you been Art Journaling?

Only a few short months. As a little girl, I had many locked journals with combinations and tiny keys but they held only words. I have relied on the written word as my confidant for most of my life, but just expanded into artistic play through Connie’s Art Journal Love Letters.

How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?

It has helped me get out of the way of myself. And you know what? I LOVE who I found.

I am brave, expressive, deep, scarred, flawed, perfect, human, and divine. Who knew?

I still forget from time to time, but artistic expression…in particular with a journal in which I am having a private conversation with my Self…helps remind me.

What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?

Paints (acrylic & watercolor), Gesso (white & clear), stamp ink, colored pencils, digital and sketched images, baby wipes (to clean, smear paint, and the painted wipes on the page!), my fingers, and music. And an iced chai within reach.

Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?

Honestly I am so new to this art journaling community that I can’t name a favorite…other than Connie. (*brown-nose alert*)

Beyond that, I suggest readers visit http://Artjournaling.ning.com. There are so many talented individuals bravely delving into themselves and their art.

What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?

Try to Re-member who is waiting for you on the other side of your creation. All you have to do is pick up something and move it, smoosh it, or glue it on something else (I’ve doodled on myself before when no journal was available)…and you will be amazed at what happens. There is no right or wrong. Got it? Now go. Start. You are already a beautiful soul and an artist. All you have to do is create to discover that.

Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!!

I am in a few spots on this crazy internet.


If all else fails, email me at LifeUnity@gmail.com and I’ll come find you.

Short Bio:

I’m here exploring what it means to be Alive.

The human me: I’m a mother of 2 young children, wife-y, home creator, registered yoga teacher, on-again off-again runner, and artist-in-training. I am blessed to have the comforts of a home, a car, loving family and friends. I let my children eat junk food from time to time, I skip workouts, I drink wine and diet coke (not together), and I have more than one paint stain on my carpet and dust bunnies under my couch. I am fabulously flawed.

The divine me: I am a creative soul just re-membering who she is. I am an artiste, a poet, a photographer, an Earth Mother, and a firm believer in magic (i.e. that the impossible is possible, no matter what we call it). I giggle a lot. I am fascinated with the complexities of humanity. I am We – knowing that every thought I have, every feeling I experience is shared with you, with nature, with the stranger I’ll never meet face-to-face. I am blissfully whole (even if I forget).

Art Journal LOVE Letters is on sale for $24.99 the entire month of July!Go HERE to register and join Art Journal LOVE’s 1 year anniversary party!

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