30 Journals 30 Days: RHOMANY
Published on July 27, 2010
How long have you been Art Journaling?
I’ve kept a visual journal for most of my life. Of course, when I was 5 they were called scrapbooks, then in high school they were sketchbooks or notebooks, then they became visual journals – my preferred term. People think because the term ‘art journaling’ is relatively new that the journals themselves are new. But Frida Kahlo kept one. So did Leanardo Da Vinci. So did Mary Anne, my grandmother. She pasted in just about everything into her journals and encouraged me to do the same. I began by helping her, then one Christmas she bought me my own book and I’ve kept a visual journal, in some format, ever since. Over the years I’ve yo-yo’d between many styles from pure collage to just writing and sketching, to full on painted pages. You can tell when I get a new book on journalng because I’ll go through a spate of a certain style of pages. I always come back to just simple pen and collage though because I’ll always be an illustrator at heart and painted pages are just too messy for me. I’m just not a layers kind of girl; I can do it, but I don’t really enjoy it.
How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?
I’ve kept a visual journal (i.e. not just plain writing) for over 30 years, so it’s hard to tell because I don’t really know any different. I watch a lot less TV than anyone else I know. In fact I don’t even have one! I watch particular programs over the internet on BBC iPlayer but mostly I listen to audiobooks and play in my journal for downtime. When I was younger I would rather be in my room playing music and journaling than out with friends. Playing in my journal is my default. I can’t sit and do nothing, I have to have a pen in my hand.
What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?
Just a pen and some glue stick. Plus my Neocolour IIs if I want to add some colour. My roots are in illustration and even though I do have a journal that’s painted, I’d much rather doodle, illustrate, collage and write in my journals. It’s also much easier for carrying around – I never leave home without my everyday journal and my pencil case.
Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
I like the work of lots of art journallers, but my favourites tend to belong to illustrators. I really love the work of :
I also recently discovered Rebecca Horwood, who has a similar style to my own everyday journaling.
And it goes without saying I love the work of my fellow journallers at artjournaling.ning.com – there’s such a huge variety of styles to look at.
What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
Don’t feel you have to do what everyone else is doing or have a particular ‘style’. I have a different style for every day of the month and then some. If I didn’t, I’d get bored. But changing it up whenever I feel like it gives me the freedom I love, so I do it. It’s not about being good, it’s about feeling good about doing it. If that means embracing your penchant for having 15 journals or using a different style everyday, so be it.
Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!
facebook fanpage
email: rhomany {at} gmail {dot} com
Videos Starring Rhomany:
Short Bio:
Rhomany is the artist name of Klair Scattergood, a mixed media artist, art journaller and children’s illustrator from the UK. Her pieces are cheerful and colourful, invoking the bright feeling of summer childhoods, when becoming an Indian princess was as simple as donning a chiffon scarf and going to sea as a pirate needed only an upturned table and a sheet. As well as creating artwork for children, Rhomany runs online workshops in bookbinding and art journaling, for anyone who wants to rediscover the magic of playtime.
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