How long have you been Art Journaling?
I’ve been keeping traditional journals for many years, but art journaling didn’t happen for me until a couple of years ago. I’d seen some art journaling by Dan Eldon and others and was really psyched. But I had never picked up a paint brush before – although I was raised by an artist. I remember experimenting with painting some pages – just rubbing color around with paper towels! Then I’d write over that. I was really pretty frustrated at the time, trying to figure it all out for myself. This was well before the rush of YouTube videos, books and magazines about art journaling.
When I saw that my favorite artist, Sabrina Ward Harrison, was offering a workshop locally, I had to go see how it was all done. That was two years ago and since that time I’ve not stopped!
Below is the book I made in that first class with Sabrina ….my first taste of collage!
How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?
It’s changed EVERYTHING – truly!
Because of it, my life has bloomed. I have become an “artist”. I’ve tried out many types of journaling styles, which gave me the confidence to begin painting on canvas a year ago. I have even taken the rather bold step of renting a large studio space – just 5 months ago! I needed the space – if only to house my ever expanding cache of art supplies!
In this time, I’ve also become a creativity coach and have hosted journaling workshops of my own. I plan to do more AND host other teacher’s classes in my new studio space!
What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?
I do several different types of art journals, so my range of materials is quite wide.
For painted and collaged journals, I love inexpensive acrylic paints, water color crayons, gel medium, permanent glue sticks, white gel pens and tapes of all kind – especially graphic black and white patterns!
For my sewn up journals, I love to bind them with batiks, ethnic prints or re-purposed books. I sew papers together with mismatched threads. The paper I use tends to be scraps, junk mail and souvenirs picked up on my frequent “artist dates” to art galleries, street fairs, etc.
Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
Art Journaling is a growing trend right now. The internet has provided us all with a wealth of inspiration and instruction. Do that. Enjoy that. I’ve taken many online and a few in-person classes….but do NOT compare yourself to others. Journaling, by definition, is personal. We ALL have a unique voice and our own take on the latest technique.
Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!!
Short Bio:
It’s been a long route to becoming an artist – stints in archaeology, geology, banking, gallery co-owning, television advertising and real estate make one either a person of varied interests …. or one lacking in focus and direction. I prefer to think I’m just a bit “colorful”!
Married to the long awaited love of my life, Derek, we bounce between sunny Southern California and foggy Northern Cal with my hubby’s two mid-sized growing “art goddesses” and a dog named “Flea”. They are all teaching me much about art making and living juicy!
Art Journal LOVE Letters is on sale for $24.99 the entire month of July!Go HERE to register and join Art Journal LOVE’s 1 year anniversary party!