Another Layer

So I added another layer to my Art Journal page since you last saw it HERE…and even though I’m still not loving it too much…this got me excited. Because somehow–my sitting and doodling with it and writing on it in free verse sparked the idea that I need to tissue paper over it as well. But by the time that idea made a cameo in my head–it was already way too late and the idea of falling asleep in my soft bed was winning.
Catch my drift?
But, now, I’m so excited–so freaking excited to jump into my Art Journal and start getting creative juicy.
I had to share this with you…because it seems huge to me.
You know, the whole Art Journaling process.
I LOVE that your Art can take you on such a journey. That at one moment I was disgusted with the whole piece–and the next all fired up!
The key, I believe, is to walk away for awhile. Close the book. Leave and have a smoothie. What ever it takes to create space between you and what you’re working on. It could mean you break off the relationship for an hour, a day, or maybe even a year or two.
It’s all ok.
The other key, I believe, is sometimes you just need to proceed forward. Just look at it and start doing something to it. This, like it did for me, can lead to even bigger ideas (notice I didn’t say better)–that can actually get you fired up and excited about your piece again.
That’s where I am.
And, we’ll see what happens from here.
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