Classic Connie & Hansel

Today is Hansel’s Birthday!!!
I thought I’d celebrate with a little classic Connie & Hansel photo spree!
Here’s a little taste of our lives together so far…
we’ve been together for almost eight years!

The early years…also known as one long party.

The Costa Rica LOVEn.

The Costa Rica travelin’.
Moments before we left our home in Ohio to drive across the USA to Arizona.
(The reason Hansel and I look nervous to touch each other is because I had freaking chicken pox at age 30!)

Camping in the middle of nowhere during a major monsoon rain storm.
(We were actually pretty freaked out–can’t tell it here.)

Exploring Arizona together. Making all the tourists stops in our home state.
Hansel–I think all the best moments of my Creative Juicy Life have been by your side!
Happy Birthday Sparks!
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