FEARLESS From Here On Out
Published on July 3, 2010
Tomorrow begins BIG. It officially opened last Sunday, and since then the FEARLESS Painters have been getting to know one another–lots of chit chat–lots of sharing–lots of dreaming and working on becoming a tribe of BIGness.
I like that. I like that together–through Art–through Painting FEARLESS we’re gonna start to change things. At least starting with ourselves. And that’s the best place to begin.
So I asked my FEARLESS Painting Tribe…I asked them some questions to ponder and think about before we begin this adventure together……and many of them have been brave to begin to write about them for the whole Universe to see. Please visit Karen, Kym, Lisa, and Julie to see what I mean…..and I think you should keep your eye on them…BIG things are gonna start to happen with them!
And, I’m sure, through this whole experience—BIG things are in store as well for me.
But what it all comes down to…what it really means at the end of the day…is not how BIG or small we felt….but that our gratitude and LOVE was enough to stretch from here to the moon and back.
I am grateful for this blessed Life I live. Grateful for the tribe that is building around me. Grateful for the opportunity to share my light–to fuel the joy and creativity in others–to be a FEARLESS Painter from here on out!
Even if you’re not in BIG this time around…are you ready to join me? Ready to paint FEARLESS and live BIG?
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