I Am Grateful…& I Want You To Know

I recently purchased this cute little journal from one of the locals here in AZ: Parkside Harmony!
And I drew this fun little sketchydoodle while in Jerome. Thought I’d share!

Thank you to so many of you that reached out to me yesterday through comments, email, Twitter, and Facebook. I am deeply, deeply touched by your support, your LOVE, and especially your confidence and belief in me.
I’m one of those people that believe in signs…that look for them…that call people, places, and little tid bits of coincidence my oracles. Yesterday was a huge oracle proving that yes, I made the right decision.
Four years ago–almost to this day–Hansel and I packed our two cats, one dog, two bikes, a tiny bit of clothes, and a huge box of art supplies into the back of a Geo Tracker and drove across the country to AZ. We wanted to start a new life. And each of us talked extensively of what our intentions were for this new Life we were to begin.
I wanted to teach. I wanted to fully be an Artist. I wanted to dive deep into my spirituality–and lock my Life to it. I wanted to know and LOVE Hansel more-better-bigger even. I wanted to make a difference. To help. To share creativity. To believe in others. To find kindred souls that are excited about Life. I wanted to create and to create and to create. I wanted to build a Life that would include my work. Not just have a job. And I knew then that the teaching I was going into was only temporary.
I started over then with an intention…and that intention not only manifested..but evolved and grew and matured into new Life again.
I thank you…because I have gained so much–grown so much–become so much bigger because of the lovely, blessed people I have met and relationships that have formed from here: Dirty Footprints Studio.
I am truly grateful…and I wanted you to know that.
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