I’m Droppin An Art Journal LOVE Bomb!!!!

I seriously can’t believe it is the last week of July already…and that means the last week of 30 JOURNALS 30 DAYS. Even though I’m the one who posts all these fabulous interviews–I still get excited to read them each day when they publish!!! This project has been a fun way to celebrate and honor my Art Journal LOVE’s one year anniversary–but better yet–it has been an awesome way to gather the Art Journaling community together.
When I created 30 JOURNALS 30 DAYS I wanted to include Art Journalers of various skill levels, backgrounds, experience, and artistic approaches. I wanted Art Journal virgins, vixens, and veterans to have a place they could all share and inspire others! But choosing 30 Art Journalers was not an easy task and I know there are thousands–millions even of fabulous Art Journalers out there that I missed out on….and I’m sorry I couldn’t include everyone.
But….I have a little secret that I’m ready to share with you……
July has 31 days!!!
Ok, so maybe that’s not a secret. But the secret is that this Saturday, July 31st I would like to invite YOU to participate in the 30 JOURNALS 30 DAYS project!!! And–I would like to invite all your Art Journal friends too!!
To help expand the 30 JOURNALS 30 DAYS community and share your own unique Art Journal LOVE journey all you need to do is post your interview on your own blog–and then on Saturday, July 31st come to Dirty Footprints Studio and link your post here on a Mr. Linky!
Please be sure to copy and paste the 30 JOURNALS 30 DAYS button above at the beginning, show photos of your Art Journal, and answer the following questions:
  • How long have you been Art Journaling?
  • How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?
  • What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials?
  • Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
  • What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
  • Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!!
  • Short Bio.
The cool thing too is that everyone that participates will be permanently linked on the 30 JOURNALS 30 DAYS project page HERE. You will become a permanent part of this project–and an important part of the inspiring Art Journaling community.
I really hope you will participate!!! I look forward to reading your interview!!
Plus–that’s not it!! This Art Journal LOVE Bomb is still exploding confetti!!!
First—today I opened the Art Journal LOVE Flickr group to everyone who would like a warm place to share their own Art Journal LOVE and to create discussions topics on Art Journal LOVE. If you are on Flickr—come on over and join–there are already almost 60 members waiting for you!! Share the LOVE!!
Last–this is the last week for you to join my online workshop Art Journal LOVE Letters at a super sweet low Anniversary price of $24.99. This is a great way for you to dive into a more intuitive, painterly style of Art Journaling and to be part of a very active, supportive community of Art Journal LOVELIES! We encourage one another and have frequent live online chats that are super fun! I would LOVE for you to join us…hit the button below and let the LOVE Affair begin!!
Sorry the Anniversary sale is over. You can purchase Art Journal LOVE Letters for the regular price of $32.40 by hitting the button below!

Thanks to everyone that has helped make this month of Art Journal LOVE amazing!!!
Big hugs!!
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