The Time For Contraction Is Over

At this crossroads, we encourage you to choose the direction that feels most like “going for it.”

Choose the way that may seem like a long shot, and may not even be logical, but is inspiring and causes you to feel excited, even thrilled.

This is not the way that feels like playing it safe, playing small or minimizing risks. Our guidance is to choose the MOST expansive, generous, confident movement that calls to you, although multiple voices inside you would shoot this down with voices of fear disguised as logic.

Give these possibilities room to breathe, be heard, to speak.

The time for contraction is over.

Contraction in the sense of holding back out of fear, shutting down, ignoring the call, however small or grand it may seem.

I found this powerful excerpt on the blog Zena Musings a few weeks ago. I have been reading it over and over…almost daily. Let me say that I agree–the time for contaction is over. And instead of talking about it…I’m doing something about it….and I’ll tell you all about it a little later.

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