Have You Heard?!?!

BIG only has a few spots left…..I purposely keep BIG small and cozy. Funny, huh?
My main purpose–my greatest intention is to create an EXPERIENCE for you…not an online class. I want you to be involved, engaged, and feel as if you are part of something BIG. I want to get to know you. I want to help you. I want to give us all enough room to be BIG.
And what happens in this cozy, creative environment is a Tribe is born. Support is always at your reach–and friendships blossom into something sustaining.
BIG, simply put, is amazing.
But…don’t take my word for it….here’s what a few of my FEARLESS Painters have said:

BIG Painting by FEARLESS Painter: Sheila Erskine
This morning I woke with a jolt of recognition!

I celebrate that after 40 YEARS (yikes!) BIG is exactly what I have been searching for, with all the in person classes, painting conventions attended, online classes; books purchased and studied, techniques learned and applied; BIG was the answer.

I celebrate finally breaking free and painting with intuition, and joy!

Thank you, Connie, and thank you Tribe.
~ Sheila Erskine, FEARLESS Painter

BIG Painting by FEARLESS Painter: Tracie Hanson
This class has been by far the best I’ve ever taken on line.

I feel as if the possibilities are unlimited!! The art work, the support, the growth and the camaraderie has been astounding….I really feel part of something beautiful here and look forward to it continuing.

Thank you so much Connie for creating and holding this space for us. You are a gifted teacher and clearly share so much of yourself, your love and your passion. I’m so very glad I found you!

~ Tracie Hanson, FEARLESS Painter

BIG Painting by FEARLESS Painter: Claire
You can read her thoughts on this painting HERE.

Celebrating Connie and in particular her decision to cap the membership of this group. At her own cost, this has provided us with the opportunity to get to know one another more intimately. I have loved other on-line art classes, but the volume of people involved makes it so difficult for me to stay present that I burn out and get a bad feeling. The relationships we have here made the motivation easier and the work more involved and fun. This was a really Big deal for me.
~ Claire, FEARLESS Painter

BIG painting by FEARLESS Painter: Susan Lang

They say that when the student is ready the teacher appears. This is certainly my experience in stumbling across Connie Hozvicka, Dirty Footprints Studio and BIG. Without a doubt Connie has changed the course of my life. I have long wanted to recapture the artistic spirit I had as a kid and now at 49, I feel that Connie, her brilliant approach to art process and the support of our amazing tribe have tenderly opened me to my inner artist. There is simply no looking back for me now. I am fianlly experiencing a new truth – I am an artist.

Connie’s approach is conscious, professional and highly empathetic but also zany and enthusiastic to the max. Her infectious spirit guided me through the fear of painting from my heart and I had a ton of fun along the way! A bonus was that I also learned a lot about art technique watching her paint and listening to the insights of the tribe. I have done other online courses before but the video content, chats, calls and fabulous community structure in BIG were the highest quality and most professionally executed I have ever experienced. And to keep the spirit alive I will soon receive the painting Connie created for me based on my pre-course intention. I can hardly wait!

Clearly I am a raving fan of Dirty Footprints Studio. I can’t recommend this work highly enough. With the end of BIG I am now signed up for Art Journal Love Letters and am eagerly awaiting the second installment of the Fearless Paining trilogy coming in the fall. Bring it on Connie – I’m ready for more!

~ Susan Lang, FEARLESS Painter

BIG starts Sunday, August 29th.
Click the button above for more information and to register!

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