Yoga L♡VE: Day 2/40

WhAAt ThE?!?!
I know…I hear you….am I doing something? What’s with the numbers?
No, it’s not 30Journals 30Days revisited. But oh, wouldn’t that be nice.
Instead, today has been the second day–out of my 40 day quest to renew my vows to Yoga again.
To decrunch my body.
To balance my heart.
To get my priorities straight.
To continue on in this amazing journey my life has begun.
To get Yoga back in my life where it is suppose to be.
To tell the truth, I feel all giddy. Like a beginner–getting a taste of this Yoga magic for the first time. It all actually started last week–Thursday, when I went to an Introduction to Yoga class.
But yesterday, I decided…I need to make a commitment to myself…along with challenging myself…how about a Yoga LOVE Renewal, I thought!!! I used to be the kind of chica that did Yoga every day–it was part of my routine–a prime part of my life. And, I’m not here to dwell on the past instead I’m ready to move on–be present. So I’m committing to Yoga everyday for 40 days–as sort of a jump start back into my practice.
That’s it.
I hope to write about it here if I can. But if I don’t–I’ll be sure to write about it in my journal.
You see my Lovelies, it doesn’t matter, this is all for me.
Today was day two. I went to early morning Yoga class at my beloved Yoga studio and we talked about focusing the mind using a mantra. Just contemplating this–I couldn’t believe how many times my mind tried to steal the present away from me–or how many times my mind started to think the most random–and many times personally toxic thoughts. Out of nowhere. Self inflicted pain or insecurity–when all I was doing was moving my body around on a mat.
That’s the real “what the?!?!
I feel like I’m done with that. I want a mantra. I want a new story to tell myself. A new word that can flood my mind and push all the yuck out.
Maybe LOVE.
Or You rock.
Shanti Shanti.
Or just let it go Connie…let it go.
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