Where The Winds of Change Begin

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
~ Thoreau

This gorgeous painting was created by Christine–one of my FEARLESS Painters in BIG. Her work and the words she shared about it really moved and spoke to me. All the FEARLESS Painters in BIG are doing amazing things. Amazing! And I’ll be showing you more soon–promise!!
Though, I wanted to post Christine’s work with my words because her painting speaks to me so much about change.
The wind of change–
and waking up and being fully open to the possibilities of Life.
Awhile back I wrote about my experience with the movie Eat Pray Love HERE. Ever since then I can’t get Italy out of my mind—my Italy, not Julia Roberts’, or I guess Elizabeth Gilbert’s. My Italy–and what it meant to me and what I miss from it dearly.
The thing is I am longing to go back. A longing that is taking over my thoughts and stealing my sleep. A longing that is no longer willing to be just an idea or a romantic vision or may I dare utter “a dream”.
I am realize that this longing is my intuition–my soul pointing me in a necessary direction to move towards.

(I totally LOVE this picture of Christine–and how gloriously happy she is!!)
So that is what I plan to do. As crazy as it may seem. I need to write about it here–throw it in the vortex as my friend Lisa and I like to say–and let the Universe do it’s thang!
Next year Hansel will be turning 30. Ever since we met I have promised him a 30th birthday in the heart of My Italy: Florence. The funny thing is I think I knew, deep down, ever since I started whispering this promise–that next year would be the year.
All I want is a few months. Just a few months of living, painting, eating, and breathing the air in Florence again. I want to go there and teach an online workshop where each of you can experience this along with me. I want to meet other artists that swallow the Tuscan sunshine for breakfast. I want to share this with Hansel and witness his Italy unfold through his camera lens.
I want to be Italian again, just for a few months.
Please Universe, please.
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