Good Insomnia

1 a.m. and I can’t sleep.
But this is a good kind of insomnia. If there is a sort of thing.
My mind is just twirling with ideas and my energy is on a total high.
The Joyfully Jobless Jamboree has just been awesome.
Simply awesome.
I’m meeting the greatest individuals–who are excited–who are full of ideas–who are alive with possibility and hungry for change!!
I LOVE it. I absolutely LOVE it. And each person I meet and talk to–I feel connected to–I feel like we are all so different in what we want to bring to the world–but so similar in that we are creative beings molding our lives to our own values and passion.
Being here is bringing me clarity, a greater sense of confidence, and immense comfort to know that I am not alone–in this BIG Beautiful World. There is a tribe of amazing souls out there who get it–who get me–who celebrate in each other’s glory.
Now if only I could sleep.
“We don’t need to push life so much as we need to experience it more elegantly,
to be motivated more by inspiration than by ambition.”
~Marianne Williamson
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