Painting From The Wild Heart Retreat


Here are some fun photos from the The Wild Heart Painting retreat with Chris Zydel that I went to last weekend. This is one great group of amazing women who I was blessed to paint and grow with.

Here I am putting the last final brushstrokes on my 7.5 foot painting.

I’ll show you more of it tomorrow.


Here I am wearing comfy pants and sneakers with my beloved–highly emotional–FEARLESS painting!

The dreadies!!

These two gorgeous chicas were my studio mates. We all three shared a studio space–
and what beautiful energy we created for sure!!

Here we are being all fierce with our rolled up paintings
before we got into the taxi ride from hell to the airport!!

A woman I am positive I will see more of.
I love how retreats bring kindred souls together.

This woman is pure magic.
I felt nothing but love for her the moment we met.

This woman totally rocks and introduced me to THIS amazing singer!!
She also created one of the most powerful paintings I’ve ever laid eyes on.


This was my second time attending The Wild Heart Painting Retreat–and to me it feels like going home.

Chris’s next retreat is happening in January in Napa Valley–if it wasn’t for ringing in the new year with my Tribe as we start up both BIG and DEEP–I would definitely be there.

If you are looking for an event that will help you dive deeper into your intuitive soul–then I highly recommend you check out any of Chris’s retreats. She will shower you with love and glitter!

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