She Visits Me In Dreams
Published on January 5, 2011
Do you remember this 8 foot painting I created way back in March of 2010? It’s the one that started everything.
I call her My Goddess My Queen…and she resides in our bedroom. Every morning she greets me and every night she protects us as we sleep. (Well, she scares the crap out of Hansel sometimes….but what man isn’t a little afraid of a red Goddess?!?!)
Anyways, she’s been entering my sleep.
In December I had a very vivid dream that she came off the wall and towards me with a huge machete. She wanted to kill me–and in my dream I screamed for Hansel to help me–and instead he took one look at the Goddess with a huge machete in her hand and ran.
She never killed me–I woke up before she had the chance. But that dream has stuck with me ever since.
Even though it felt like a night terror–I honestly think it was something more. A message from my deep soul. An oracle of sort. The Goddess part of myself, in which I feel she so is a symbol of, was killing parts of me that no longer serve my purpose on this planet.
I journaled about it, and came to peace with the dream.
Then last night, again she appeared.
This time, in my dream I was laying on the bed when she stepped off the wall and sat next to me. She put her arm around me and in the softest whisper she said “Connie you are pregnant. The conception happened new years eve.”
In my dream I sat there staring at her. At peace.
No–I am not pregnant with child. Please don’t go there,
This is something else. Something deeper once again.
But all I can think is how necessary it is that a part of ourselves dies….for something to be born to take it’s place.
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