21 SECRETS :: Lisa Dieken
Published on March 13, 2011
The Fragrant Art Journal
Imagine if your art journal was not only beautiful to look at and fun to touch but also awakened your spirit through the sense of smell. In The Fragrant Art Journal we will discover the why and how of creating a Fragrant Art Journal through specific techniques and a variety of fun ideas that will inspire you to create an art journal that stirs all the senses!
Lisa Dieken is an intuitive wisdom teacher, guide, energy healer and artist. Her focus is a gentle form of shamanic journey healing and in particular, soul retrieval. Working in both the spiritual world and the physical world, she assists you in strengthening your internal foundation in order to manifest the joy, abundance and creativity that your “wild creative heart” desires. Single sessions and multiple session intensives are available for personal and life transformation. She works with clients around the globe. Her main creative endeavor is intuitive drawing and painting, though she dabbles in mixed-media, writing, photography and art journaling.
Visit Lisa HERE.
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