Better Get Used To It….


Yep, better get used to it!!

I’m hooked on this Big Girl camera–well, really more hooked on the way it swallows me into the here and now and strips away all the chatter in my over active mind! At least for a little while.

So as long as I’m diving deeply in…I’ll be posting my photos here more often until I get around to simply posting them on my Flickr account. (Yes, I do have a Flickr account–it’s a bit dusty though.)

And one last thing…speaking of Big Girl cameras–two of my friends who also happen to have their own Big Girl cameras and know how to use them like a real pro wrote some rock-my-world blog posts today….go check them out:

Heather Plett :: Speaking A New Language Into The Corporate World

Darrah Parker :: Living And Working From The Heart

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