How To Lead With Your Paint Clothes On
Published on April 29, 2011
I first met Heather Plett of Sophia Leadership when I hosted the Creative Dig Workshop in Cleveland, Ohio in September of 2009. There she is above in all her radiant, wise self–holding a powerful clay piece she created. Since then I have had the beautiful pleasure to get to know her better and to share in her incredible journey lately. She also is one of the amazing Artists teaching in 21 SECRETS.
Heather is strong, courageous, wise, and oh so very creative juicy. And also–she is an experienced, well respected leader with qualities I deeply admire and long to learn from.
That is why I immediately signed up to receive Heather’s new e-book: How To Lead With Your Paint Clothes On and joined her learning group as well with it.
This is not an affiliate link. I am not making a penny off of this. I just really, really believe in the work Heather is doing–and I’m excited to learn from her experience and use it to help me share FEARLESS™ Painting and art journaling with others more effectively.
Heather believes that more leaders need to think like Artists and more Artists need to think like leaders.
I absolutely agree.
If you do too…why not join me? Go HERE for more information and to get your paint splattered hands on her e-book!
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