Throw Me A Pootie Party!
Published on April 27, 2011
(Photo of me in the studio by my beloved Hansel.)
One of the most common questions I get from painters in BIG is how do they know when they’re FEARLESS™ Painting? How do they know that they are dipping into Creative Source–that it’s coming from their intuition?
I always answer with the same thing…it’s easy and it flows.
Once we get tangled in our minds that’s when the roadblocks and obstacles start popping up. That’s when we fret over getting it right–making it look perfect–and most of the time beating ourselves up over something or another.
We might be painting, yes–of course. But we’re making it a hell of a lot more harder than it needs to be.
The one BIG thing I’ve learned since I’ve let go of painting for product–and instead fully embraced my FEARLESS™ Painting Practice is that creation–no matter if it’s a painting, a blog post, a workshop, or a silly little poem–it’s an act between you and your Muse. You and your Creative Source. You and prana/ life force/ chi–whatever you want to call the shimmy shimmy that makes our hearts beat without our concern or worry to do so.
In the last year, this staying in the flow has become my greatest priority and my deepest curiosity. I’m always aware of when I’m in the flow and when I’ve crashed my canoe into a big fat boulder!
This past weekend is a great example of canoe crashing.
Friday I was on cloud 2000 and 99 when I received my issue of Somerset Studio with my FEARLESS I Paint article published in it. I was all giddy and silly. Until late that evening when I noticed that there was a misprint–that they accidentally spelled DirtyFootprints-Studio as DirtyPootprints-Studio.
Yep, you can imagine my disappointment. And maybe you can even imagine what happened next.
My first reaction was anger. Then frustration. Then the tears started falling like the Niagara.
I began to think “how could this happen?” and good ol’ “why me?”—when all of a sudden I became fully aware that my canoe was a crashin.
I was leaving the flow and throwing up roadblocks left and right.
I was beating myself up and in my imagination beating up the Somerset Studio team as well.
But like I said–I noticed that the canoe was crashing and this called for a change of course. A detour to get myself away from heading towards the boulder and instead throw myself back into the flow of life again.
The only way this can happen is to let go of the story I was beginning to tell myself.
All those stories that we keep trapped in some ridiculous vault in our mind seem to open up and release once something that’s not in jive with our liking happens. It’ so easy to dip into some past reason or circumstance that can back you up full heartedly now why the world is against you.
But those stories are just road blocks to staying in the flow. They are obstacles that cause you pain and suffering and keep you from sleeping soundly at night.
Truth is–I couldn’t change DirtyPootprints. It was there to stay.
Once I dried my tears and started paddling my canoe back to straight–I knew in my heart that Somerset Studio wasn’t out to get me…that the world was really on my side..that this opportunity was so freaking-a-fabulous, and that there had to be a solution. Or at least a way to laugh at it.
I mean c’mon…Pootprints!
Part of being committed to staying in the flow is keeping like minded souls close to you that are also committed to a life in the flow.
Years ago for me this wasn’t the case. Years ago–if this incident happened, I could lean on a plethora of friends–and I can 100% guarantee with my life that they would help me go on and on about how horrible this is–how wrong those other people are–and how someone should pay. Years ago–I would have created quite the story about this that would have weighed me down for weeks.
Years ago I wasn’t living in the flow…or at least committed to it in anyway. Or even aware that it was possible to live such a way.
Not anymore.
So I told a few close friends–who never once went on to state how wrong the world is–but rather gathered their wisdom to help find a solution or at least a positive way to look at the situation.
And that’s what happened.
I *proudly* purchased the domain for DirtyPootprints-Studio and redirected it to here: DirtyFootprints-Studio. Problem solved $7 and 10 minutes later.
I was back in the flow again. Where life is juicy and easy.
How do you know when you’re FEARLESS™ painting or FEARLESS™ anything?
You drop telling the story…
and instead choose to live it like a rockstar.
BIG starts Sunday, May 22nd and is currently on sale.
I limit registration (a chica can only handle so many rockstars at one time!!)
Go HERE for more info and to register.
Let’s paint FEARLESS™!!!
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