Once You’ve Gone BIG…You Never Go Back


FEARLESS™ Painter Brandi Marie from my last Tribe & FEARLESS™ Painter Lis from my first Tribe!

(Both amazing chicas will be in Sedona this Fall for my

FEARLESS™ Painting Retreat: Total Alignment! I’m so excited!!)

I’ll tell you…ever since I’ve went BIG…I can never go back! Even my Art Journal is now BIG! Every painting I do is BIG! And lately, I’ve been feeling that even those aren’t BIG enough!

But BIG is at first a bit intimidating…all that white space…all that room you are taking up…and even more…all that exposure that someone might see you for who you are-flaws and all!


That’s where the FEARLESS™ Painting Process comes in…that’s where we learn to trust–to listen to our own innate wisdom–and to face our fear gremlins with compassion and class. The FEARLESS™ Painting Process helps us ease into painting BIG so that all that extra space–all that blank room to mess up or make a masterpiece feels exciting and even inviting!


Then when all is finished…the six weeks are up…we lay back and smile and wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place!

Painting BIG builds a more confidant Artist…and a more spectacular you. I know it sounds almost unbelievable…..but it’s true! Go HERE to see what other FEARLESS™ Painters have had to say….and then go HERE for more info and to register!

I can’t wait to paint FEARLESS™ with you!

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