Misconceptions Of FEARLESS™ Painting


One of the biggest misconceptions people have about FEARLESS™ Painting…and intuitive painting in general is that it has to look a certain way…or an even more common misconception is that for it to be “intuitive” it has to be messy, out-of-control, and done real fast.

When you think about it–it’s kind of silly.

Is our intuition ever messy or totally out-of-control?  Is it ever something that works upon us like a shot of lightening?

If there is something messy and out-of-control and as fast as lightening–it tends to be our never satisfied wacky freight train mind!

Not our intuition.

Our innate wisdom has a softness and stillness to it.  It doesn’t scream, yell, and it rarely throws a major fit.

Rarely–I didn’t say “never”.

And because of it’s more subtle nature, most of us struggle connecting with it at first.  I see this over and over again with each new Tribe of FEARLESS™ Painters I guide through BIG.

But after some practice and learning to decipher the difference between the voice of our innate wisdom from the yada yada of our minds…my FEARLESS™ Painters always blossom into a more confidant and self reliant newer BIG version of themselves!!  That’s the best part of all.

Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Alisha.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Stephanie.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Deina.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Samantha.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Amanda.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Maxine.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Kathy.
Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Hilde.

Each of these paintings were created by FEARLESS™ Painters from my last Tribe of BIG!


And..there is still room for some more FEARLESS™ Painters to join the next tribe of BIG starting Sunday, August 7th.

Go HERE for more information and to register!

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