Obstacles & Rest Stops


Today was suppose to be the great unveiling of the new Dirty Footprints Studio.  I have been working on creating a new site for quite a while now–even hired one of the greatest (and heart centered) designers I know too to help out–and guess what?  A couple days ago all my hard work just vanished.

Poof! Gone! Adios! Ba-bye!


Let us take a moment of silence please.
{Thank you.}

So, after throwing a tiny little fit, eating a huge bowl of chips and salsa with cream cheese, and having an excellent life-changing long conversation with one of my besties–I just decided to embrace this obstacle as a gift and get over myself.

Now I have a moment to check back in with my truth and really be certain that I am staying honest to my mission and vision–and purely working from my heart–from the juicy flow of my life–and not just trying to make things happen–or trying to be a certain way.

Those are two traps that are super easy to fall in, dontcha think?!? And I think I’m not alone in tripping through them from time to time.

So that’s where I’m at.

Breathing deeply and practicing going with the flow!

A new Dirty Footprints Studio will be opening soon.

I can’t wait to share it with you soon.

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