
This week is a BIG BIG deal for quite a few reasons!!

One–Thursday I’m hosting my first Sedona Total Alignment retreat!!! WAHOOO!!

Two–this is the last week the amazing 21 SECRETS will be on sale!

And because of that we are offering a super duper smuper BIG deal for all of you that haven’t signed up yet and have been definitely thinking about it!  Now’s your chance to grab 21 SECRETS at the lowest price ever–and don’t forget–21 SECRETS is really 22 SECRETS because we got Miss Andrea Schroeder of ABCcreativity there sharing her magic as well!

So come on over to the playground and get your art journal love going!!

We’ll be running strong till January 1, 2012.

21 SECRETS Regular Price $59
BIG BIG Discount Price $49.99


This BIG BIG deal ends this Friday, Septembe 30th at 11:59 pm PST.

For more information on 21 SECRETS go HERE.

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