No, I Can’t Feel You Yet


No I can’t feel you yet.
Your movements are much too subtle.
But I’ve heard your heart beat
I’ve seen a glimpse of your face
I knew you existed
Before I manifested the thought of you.

No I can’t feel you yet.
Though your presence is so very real.
We’ve been connected before.
Through time and space,
Lives forgotten
Now we meet again.

No I can’t feel you yet.
Except in my soul.
At a place unexplored
That I needed you to show me.
My brave little light bearer.
Tucked in a cave.

No I can’t feel you yet.
Except when I smile
Or watch a candle flicker.
And I sense you see the ducks too
As they fly across the blue sky in a V
Reminding us– winter is coming soon.

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