Published on January 1, 2012
Happy New Year Everyone!!! Happy New Year!!
I’m starting off 2012 with a messy studio, a bun in the oven, and so much LOVE in my heart that it’s crazy!!! And–I’m BAAAACK!!! I’m back to blogging and totally getting ready for BIG to start in 2 weeks (HEY! There’s still room if you want to get your FEARLESS™ Painting on!!! Check it out HERE!) And, well, I’m just back from my month long Soul Hiatus.
What a beautiful month it was!!
Now I’m feeling ready, recharged, and renewed with excitement for Life and all things FEARLESS™ Painting!
So the one thing I do know for sure about 2012 is that I have no idea what to expect!!! I’ve decided in moving forward with a sense of adventure, wonder, and most of all reverence.
My only goal for 2012 is to cultivate reverence for every moment and breath of my life.
Reverence: deep respect, profound love, and with great care.
And I’d like to share with you what I learned from my month long Soul Hiatus, but I can’t quite formulate the words. I think it will be best revealed organically as time passes.
As for now, I’m going to spend the day in the studio, stir up a bowl of black eyed peas, and savor the start of a new year with my honey Hansel, our mysterious and kicking Gummi, and our family of furry loved ones. It feels really good to be back to blogging–and I look forward to sharing this incredible year of discovery that lays ahead with all of you.
Sending big buckets of wishes that all your dreams for 2012 come true and a few good surprises thrown in there too!
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