Painting Is Like Arranging Furniture


Just as physical surroundings affect the people who live in them, the overall spaces of individual artworks shape the identity of everything within the composition.

Try making art as though you are constructing a place or arranging things in a room.  Watch how the first gestures you make fill the space and call out for something that relates to them.

We don’t realize how the making of every artwork, even miniatures, is an arrangement of spaces.  Any one of us can move furnishings in a room without inhibition.  We can do the same things with forms and colors on a canvas, with words on a page, with movements and sounds in space.  Even the most experienced artists can overlook how their expressions are spaces to be arranged.  paintings, poems, stories, dances, sounds, and every form of performance can be viewed as spaces which generate different kinds of energies.

~ Shaun McNiff

There are still two lonely little spaces left in BIG!

We start up January 15–come paint FEARLESS™ with me!!

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